Mermet Springs - Nov 14 & 15 2020

Mermet Springs Dive Trip with DRIS

Join the crew for some fun diving at Mermet Springs: visit the Boeing 727 from the movie US Marshall, a fire truck, a motorcycle and more! Training platforms for students who aren't done taking classes, classes being offered include: Open Water, Drysuit, Night, Deep, and Wreck. Picnic/Potluck on Saturday afternoon so bring a dish to share and enjoy quality time with fellow divers.

All levels of diving are welcome! Accommodations around the area range from camping on site to hotels in and near Metropolis, IL. Diving starts Saturday Morning and we plan to finish around noon on Sunday to head home. Please RSVP at 815-267-8400 to let us know if you are joining and if you would like to sign up for a class.

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