Contact Us
If you’ve found this page it can mean one of two things: You want to talk about diving or you’re just looking for a friend. You’re in luck, we love talking about all things scuba AND we have a member of the team who is always looking to expand their social network.
Whatever you need, we have a variety of ways to get in contact with us:
Love Talking on Your Phone?
Whether you’re on a cell, landline, or need to speak to an operator, give us a call at our stores!
Is Writing More Your Thing?
We won’t judge that you’re still using that Yahoo account from 1998.
Email us!
[email protected]
Missing The Days of Instant Messenger?
Use our live chat to talk to a real person. At least they claim to be real, and damn they knows their stuff!
Chat with Kevin!
He has been very lonely
Sneaking Some Video Watching At Work?
Peruse our YouTube Channel for tips, tricks, and our attempts at improv.
@DiverightinscubaAre we neighbors?
Come visit one of our shops and hang out with us for awhile!
None of the above options strike your fancy?
Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you faster than a sailfish! (Our writer had to Google the fastest fish for this joke.)
Living Off The Grid?
We’re not going to question how you have a functioning Internet connection, but send us a carrier pigeon. We have a coop set up on the roof of the store.