-NO Loyalty points will be given or redeemed towards 2023 Black Friday Sales Items. These are super sales items and can not be combined with any other offers.
- Due to the low prices and high demand, items will ship on a first ordered basis. If your item is out of stock, we will let you know the delivery time. Delivery times will be within 1-2 weeks or less and we will let you know after your order is placed. Please be patient and have fun saving money. Items will be invoiced when the order is received due to the quick processes that occur on 2023 Black Friday Sales and high volume of orders.
- There will be no Refunds of purchases made before these sales started so you can get the new pricing. We will offer the difference in loyalty points or store credit for purchases within 30 of the sale. Any free gift promotions during black Friday are not applicable for previous orders. Big, special order items brought in at special 2023 Black Friday Sales pricing are subject to a restocking fee if the item comes in and you cancel or refund it for anything other than store credit. These items were brought in and purchased for 2023 Black Friday Sales, and subject to a restocking fee.
Have fun and enjoy the savings! All sales items END at Midnight of their posted end date.
Happy Holidays
DRIS Staff