The Dive Right In Scuba Blog
So You're An Air Hog?
It’s the problem that almost every new diver wrestles with, If you’re in this group I once also felt your pain. You look around at the other divers in the water with their great air consumption rates, nice hour long dives surfacing with a comfortable amount of reserve air and just looking chilled out
Should You Take A Rescue Diver Course?
So, you’ve become certified as an open water diver and perhaps taken an advanced open water course? Well, I’m sure that at this point in your diving adventures the local dive shop that you regularly walked into has made at least one, if not multiple attempts to get you to sign up for a Rescue
Should You Really Take a Rescue Diver Course?
So, you’ve become certified as an open water diver and perhaps taken an advanced open water course? Well, I’m sure that at this point in your diving adventures the local dive shop that you regularly walked into has made at least one, if not multiple attempts to get you to sign up for a Rescue
Cold Water And Ice Diving - Which Regulators Fit The Bill?
We know your type, the one who shirks warm tropical dive destinations or the normal summer dive season. You refer to diving in a pair of swim trunks as simply “swimming”, you have a beard and kill grizzly bears while riding a tiger and drinking beer from a iron cast stein. Yeah, you like cold water and
Time To Keep Your SCUBA Skills Current
The snow is piling up on your back deck, your driveway is like an ice rink, and the kids school has been cancelled because of inclement weather for 3 days now. It seems like your SCUBA skills would be the last thing you think of this time of the year, but nothing could be further from the truth! While
Solo Certification or Not?
Over the past number of years an increasing number of SCUBA training agencies have adopted curriculum and certifications for divers who wish to dive alone. Whether they are termed “solo diver” or “self reliant diver” courses, the aim is the be proficient enough to safely dive without a buddy.